Monday, May 10, 2010

"'s NoT going to write itself."

Over the past week, I've had several moments that have triggered Ideas for blogging subjects. I've even mentally noted that, "Ooo! I should write that down!"
BuT..since I'm HiGhLy opposed to talking OR texting on a cell phone while driving. Writing a note onto a Post-it or the backside of the grocery list is equally as offensive and DaNgErOuS!!!
Even more frustrating, the typewriter in my brain starts to go to work. Yes, that's what I imagined the other day...a Typewriter; a big, heavy, black typewriter...the sound of pounding and clicking keys....crisp white paper......DiNg!!!
DiNg!!!??? Immediately, my "mother tape" was triggered (During the imaginary story I was writing about mothers and Mother's Day). "What makes YoU think you're "qualified" to write??? And on a typewriter!!! Try packing that oLd thing around...who'd want to read that!!!"
Seriously???!!! I thought I'd erased those "tapes"!? Or at least, shoved them into an wrinkly old brown paper bag, labeling it; "DANGER!!!" with a bold Sharpie and took them out to our garage (aka: "The Pit of Despair").
We've invested ThOuSaNdS and tHoUsAnDs of dollars into Professional Counseling (plus multitudes of teachable hours) destroy those tapes!!!
Note: "To Do" List - Item 1 - Clean the Garage!!!

It's really a sketch of my daily process. Quite often, I'm ReaLLy good with creating Ideas...on paper. Sometimes, I'm even GrEaT with completing my ideas into reality. LoVe it when that happens!!!
What I am NoT good at is consistent "follow through" (despite my VeRy best intentions).
If I WaS good at "following through"...I'd be sitting in my Studio right now, QuiCkLy updating my blog after taking a break and eating a healthy lunch, before I get back to making ArT.
NoT sitting on a cheap Ikea office chair in "The Cubby"!!!

This morning, I had one of those "Windows 7" commercial moments (And, for the record; "Windows 7" was MY idea!!!).
"I guess OnE key to a successful actually taking the time to write AnD post one's entries. It's NoT going to write itself. Hmmm...."
I know, it's not Rocket Science. Otherwise, it would be EaSy!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

"Trying Something New"

When I turned The Big "4-0" I made the proclamation that, "Every year, from now on, I WiLL learn OR try something NeW!" (I will explain WhY another time).
I would like to say it was because I'm a "Go-Getter" or "Brave" or "Motivated" or even "WiLd & CraZy"..... I would like to confidently and boldly claim AnY of those titles.....BuT...I struggle to do so.
I CaN proudly say, that over the past 10 years I HaVe had experiences both great and small; to momentarily proclaim and believe ALL of those titles...and MaNy more! Ten years?!!! Wow, that seems like a decade ago!!!
So, here I am...10 years later and older (for those of you who didn't learn "New Math" the equation equals; The BiG "5-0"). I find myself struggling...(not with being 50 years old...I don't think...). ReaLLy needing to reclaim my original proclamation for myself and my "Giant Five Year Old".
"Blogging" has intrigued me. Maybe it began when I saw the movie, "Julie & Julia". In the movie, Julie relaxes by cooking, LoVeS Julia Child and decides to write about her adventures of cooking her way through one of Julia's cookbooks (forgive me, the book title escapes me...and I'm afraid that if I should take a break to research it properly, I will accidentally LooSe what I've struggled for over the past hour to write).
I also enjoy reading the "Blogs" of others; of whom I know and wish to know. I've found them to be informative and inspirational. FuNNy and Spiritual....
And so, after feeling like I've been held captive in my own lack of creating muck and despair... it is TiMe to "break free of the crack" (a term often used by an inspirational, creative teacher of mine). I am not gonna worry about "doing it right" (that only leaves the trap door open for the possibility of falling back into the muck or the "crack"). Intriguing or not to the Blogging World...I am doing this for me.
It is time for "Trying Something New".