Monday, May 10, 2010

"'s NoT going to write itself."

Over the past week, I've had several moments that have triggered Ideas for blogging subjects. I've even mentally noted that, "Ooo! I should write that down!"
BuT..since I'm HiGhLy opposed to talking OR texting on a cell phone while driving. Writing a note onto a Post-it or the backside of the grocery list is equally as offensive and DaNgErOuS!!!
Even more frustrating, the typewriter in my brain starts to go to work. Yes, that's what I imagined the other day...a Typewriter; a big, heavy, black typewriter...the sound of pounding and clicking keys....crisp white paper......DiNg!!!
DiNg!!!??? Immediately, my "mother tape" was triggered (During the imaginary story I was writing about mothers and Mother's Day). "What makes YoU think you're "qualified" to write??? And on a typewriter!!! Try packing that oLd thing around...who'd want to read that!!!"
Seriously???!!! I thought I'd erased those "tapes"!? Or at least, shoved them into an wrinkly old brown paper bag, labeling it; "DANGER!!!" with a bold Sharpie and took them out to our garage (aka: "The Pit of Despair").
We've invested ThOuSaNdS and tHoUsAnDs of dollars into Professional Counseling (plus multitudes of teachable hours) destroy those tapes!!!
Note: "To Do" List - Item 1 - Clean the Garage!!!

It's really a sketch of my daily process. Quite often, I'm ReaLLy good with creating Ideas...on paper. Sometimes, I'm even GrEaT with completing my ideas into reality. LoVe it when that happens!!!
What I am NoT good at is consistent "follow through" (despite my VeRy best intentions).
If I WaS good at "following through"...I'd be sitting in my Studio right now, QuiCkLy updating my blog after taking a break and eating a healthy lunch, before I get back to making ArT.
NoT sitting on a cheap Ikea office chair in "The Cubby"!!!

This morning, I had one of those "Windows 7" commercial moments (And, for the record; "Windows 7" was MY idea!!!).
"I guess OnE key to a successful actually taking the time to write AnD post one's entries. It's NoT going to write itself. Hmmm...."
I know, it's not Rocket Science. Otherwise, it would be EaSy!